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Interstate Commissioner for Audlt Offender Supervision (ICAOS) Logo

Training and Technical Assistance 01-2008


Issued on: 01/01/2008

Revised on: 04/05/2022

I. Authority

The Executive Committee is vested with the power to act on behalf of the Interstate Commission during periods when the Interstate Commission is not in session. The Executive Committee oversees the day-to-day activities managed by the Executive Director.

II. Applicability

This policy applies to Commissioners, Compact Administrators, Deputy Compact Administrators, State Legal Representatives, and all persons engaged in the business of the Compact.

III. Policy

The policy is written to ensure that ICAOS funds are expended prudently and reasonably for the conduct of official business.  They also ensure fair and equitable treatment of states by defining procedures for authorized training and technical assistance. 

IV Objectives

  1. Provide training, technical assistance, and support to member states and other criminal justice professionals involved in interstate compact business.
  2. Ensure effective training opportunities are available to interstate professionals, which will increase their knowledge of the Commission’s rules, practices, technology, and compliance.
  3. Assist member states in defining operational or programmatic problems specific to interstate compact and provide recommendations regarding solutions to these challenging issues.

V. Training and Technical Assistance Available

ICAOS supports a variety of projects to strengthen the compact process and public safety efforts.

  1. Training
    1. Training may be made available to compact offices, Commissioners, field staff, legal and judicial practitioners, state councils, and others engaged in business or activities related to the mission of ICAOS.
  2. Technical Assistance
    1. Assistance may be requested for activities including operations, compliance,  dispute resolution, information technology, and other ICAOS related business.

    2. Following an ICAOS audit, or at any time, a state may request the National Office to analyze specific data regarding problematic or compliance areas to direct resources to the users in these areas.  This method identifies focus areas and provides direct technical assistance in a manner that is efficient and does not place an additional burden on the compact office staff. 

VI Eligibility

Any member state of the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision is eligible to apply for assistance. While ICAOS may not have funding available for a specific purpose, it may assist states in identifying other resources to meet a need. 

VII Administering Training and Technical Assistance

Assistance is provided within the confines of the budget set forth and approved by the Executive Committee.

  1. A written request to the Executive Director for training or technical assistance must originate from the Compact State’s Commissioner.
  2. Each request must include the following information.
    1. Contact information including (as applicable or available) the name of the organization, the name of the individual making the request and his/her address, phone number, fax number, and email;
    2. A narrative description of the need, to include the number of recipients receiving assistance
    3. Objectives and desired outcomes
    4. Proposed timeframe for delivery; and,
    5. Additional pertinent information or special circumstances
  3. After receiving a request for assistance the Executive Director or his/her designee will evaluate the request based on the information listed below and will submit a recommendation to the Executive Committee outlining:
    1. Significance of need
    2. Number of recipients receiving assistance
    3. Prior technical assistance (applied for and/or received)
    4. Availability of funding; and,
    5. Availability of expertise.
  4. When a requestor is denied by the Executive Committee, the Executive Director will provide the request with a written response detailing-reasons for denial.
  5. If the recommendation is approved, the Executive Director will work with the requestor to:
    1. Develop or identify an appropriate method of delivery;
    2. Identify of an individual best suited for the engagement; and,
    3. Recommend the timeframe days needed to deliver assistance
  6. When identifying consultants, consideration will be given to retired commissioners, individuals with prior experience as a commissioner and individuals with subject matter expertise.
  7. Consultants authorized to travel to fulfill an engagement may be reimbursed for travel expenses per the ICAOS travel policy
  8. Within 10 days of completing the engagement the consultant will provide the Executive Director or his/her designee with a written report detailing the following information:
    1. Location of the engagement;
    2. Number of delivery days;
    3. General description of the recipients (i.e., field officers, county judges, etc.);
    4. Number of recipients;
    5. Narrative summary of the service provided;
    6. Outcomes;
    7. Recipients evaluations; and,
    8. Suggested follow-up.
  9. After receiving the consultant’s report, the Executive Director or his/her designee will contact the requestor to discuss the success of the engagement and any subsequent needs.

